MINNESOTA'S ONE WATERSHED ONE PLAN (1W1P) is rooted in work initiated by the Local Government Water Roundtable (Association of Minnesota Counties, Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts, and Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts). In 2013, the Roundtable recommended that the local governments organize to develop focused implementation plans based on watershed boundaries. In 2016, the Roundtable developed policy recommendations for funding plan implementation.
The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) 1W1P program brings together Minnesota’s water authorities: SWCDs, counties, watershed districts, and cities to collaborate for the improvement of water quality and quantity through projects. This effort creates a systematic, watershed-wide, science-based approach to watershed management that would be implemented through these partnerships at the local level.
Communication and preparation have proven to be key elements of successful partnerships.
Communication and preparation have proven to be key elements of successful partnerships.
Learn more about the One Watershed, One Plan with these brief videos.